Med Tech Startups, Shaking Up Healthcare

Geeta Patel
Tech Alchemy
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2020


Check out our picks for some of the best and most innovative MedTech startups.

Adhere Tech

AdhereTech is a startup that is looking to remove the guesswork out of taking medication, especially for patients with memory issues. Their Smart Pill Bottle sends notifications to users if they have not taken their medication, via phone call or text message. The user can also check and make sure they have taken their medication and ensure they won’t accidentally take their medication
twice. Their integrated platform alerts pharmacists to which medications are due for a refill to make patient’s lives easier, especially those taking several different treatments.

My LAB Box

MyLAB Box started as an at-home screening service for sexual health and since then has grown to include family planning, nutrition, and general wellness tests. The startup removes the need for a doctor to test for anything an individual might suspect they have. The discrete screening service is a great option for those who don’t have the time to book a doctor’s appointment or might not have access to a doctor nearby. Once their results are in, users can take them to a doctor to pursue treatment if needed.


Nurokor has created a device that delivers bio-electrical pulses to its user to help mitigate chronic pain. The device has a variety of extensions including patches, flip-flops, and gloves, to address different areas where chronic pain may present itself. Their patented technology can also be used by athletes to improve performance and recovery. The startup could be a promising answer to the problem that the widespread use of painkillers has caused. As doctors and regulatory bodies pull back on prescribing those medications unless absolutely necessary, Nurokor’s MiBody device is an interesting alternative.

Open Bionics

Open Bionics is looking to make prosthetics more accessible with their 3D printed “Hero Arm”. The bionic arm technologies allow below elbow amputees to have full dexterity of their fingers and hands. The UK-based startup offers a variety of covers for users to customize their prosthetics and make it their own.


Radiologists rely on their own analytical skills to be able to identify possible cancerous growths. Therapixel is providing a software that would be able to double check medical imaging and catch something that radiologists might miss. Currently, the France-based startup offers a platform for mammogram screenings, as well as imaging for doctors during surgical procedures. As time goes on, their capabilities for screening and imaging will only improve, and will be able to help medical professionals catch things that might have gone unnoticed.

There is so much room for growth and innovation and we’re looking forward to seeing what they do next in the MedTech sector! We have been really impressed with all these intelligent companies!

